Price: $800

Seller: Lori Horn
State: Arkansas
City: Johnstown
Zip code: 80534
Type: Animals

When Responding to this add please Email me first..... So I can get your phone number.... cpl folks are interested but they spoke to quickly and I could not get their phone number. I have 6 ocicat kittens. They have had their 1st shots are Reg. and well socialized. Litter box trained and on solid food. Ocicats are a rare breed crossed between abysinian and Siamese. They are very smart and agile and tend to be more like a dog. They usually sell for $800-$600 these are older than 8 weeks and I need to get them sold b4 I go out of town. I also have 1 Lilac point female Siamese she is 2.5 yrs old, she fetches and is very affectionate. Please email first and I will return your call. Thanks
Please email at Parents are registered. When I get proof of spay and neuter from your vet I will send the Application for your kittens papers thanks